19 January 2010

Thanksgiving change of plans but turned out good.

So our holidays were pretty good for our first. We wanted to have thanksgiving at home for the the most part because micah wanted to cook and needed to be close to work. micah had to work. We invited our neighbor friends, Micah's cousin and Aunt. My cousin Kaleo and some other friends of ours from back home. Unfortunately everyone cancelled, except my cousin Kaleo. Kaleo calls us asking who was going to be there and he hears...just the three of us. What? What happened? Just bring what you made and lets go to my brothers house. Uhhhh....okay. So grateful for Allen letting us come over last minute. So thanksgiving was not what we expected but it was great to be with family, and we ended up with 2 Turkeys, 2 stuffing, but a whole bunch of different things. Good company, Good Food, Good music....alls good.

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