03 April 2010


So much for trying to blog more frequently since I have a little more time on my hand, but hey I am back to share what I came across. To those who are from Hawaii and are now living elsewhere one of the things we do miss besides our family and maybe the beach is the....FOOD....meaning ono local grinds. And I being the mean person that I am would visit Hawaii take photos of the food with my phone and send it to my friends in Utah that would appreciate and of course covet the food that I was about to partake. Well I started a little collection of photos. Some were taken in Hawaii, some in Utah at local gatherings or Kanikapila potlucks of some sort, or even at restaurants. I have taken some of the photos and framed them and that is what I use to decorate my kitchen or dining room.

Anyways, I found the file and now I get to post it on the blog. These were all taken on my phone. I need to start taking photos of the food that Micah cooks and start taking photos with a camera, so hopefully from now on I will do that. I hope this makes your mouth water or maybe you will just get hungry. Either way I hope you enjoy

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